project overview

parking is an easy to use parking app meant to make finding, booking and paying for your nearest parking spaces easier.



The increasing rate of private vehicle usage in the urban areas as a result of rapid economic and population growth is making vehicle parking hard more and more every year.

Poblem statement

Drivers today face many parking problems in a variety of different areas such as

  • Lack of parking areas on the streets 
  •  Full parking lots
  • Overpriced for a short parking time
  • Loss of time on parking search


In order to build a seamless and hassle-free experience for all the people who struggle to find parking spots for their vehicles, I designed Parking mobile app keeping the user needs and business goals in mind.

I imagined an experience where an actionable map helps users navigate to the nearby parking spaces.

Before proceeding to build the user flow and wireframes, I ideated features for the app. The features were as follows:

  • Navigate to nearest parking spaces with the shortest route suggestion
  • Know price and availability of parking spaces beforehand
  • Freedom to select and pre book a spot in the parking space
  • Pay digitally through cards, wallet transfer, etc
  • Get information about authorisation and working hours of nearby parking spaces

User Research

To validate the problem and get a better understanding of the issues faced by the users in their daily life along with building user empathy, I developed a research plan which included studying past surveys and researches on parking issues in addition to conducting user interviews.

After conducting the research and analysing the information gained throughout the process, I discovered the major pain points that the users are facing. The major pain points as quoted directly from the users are:


“I face a lot of problem finding a parking spot near my desired location.”
“Sometimes, I don’t know if the parking is full.”
“Some places are not safe to park a vehicle, but I have no other option.”
“I feel hesitant paying cash, especially during the times of Covid.”
“Sometimes parking is very expensive but I get to know the price only after reaching the parking.”


Or Cohen
Age 27
Marketing Director

“Parking in the city takes away the joy of owning a car!”

Or is a Marketing Director who recently moved to Tel Aviv. He is a
work hard-play hard type of person. Owning a car provides a sense of freedom for him. He relies on his car as a main mean of transportation. Finding parking is constant
stress adding a lot of anxiety to his trips. He thinks that city parking signage isn’t
displayed well for drivers and too confusing for him. He is constantly trying to keep
parking cost to a minimum by searching for free and affordable parking spaces
around the city.


  • Be able to plan his trip by finding out what his parking
    options are ahead of time
  • To be more informed about parking options in an effort
    to cut down on his parking spending
  • Easily navigate through parking spaces in the city


  • Checking street parking signage while driving is so inconvenient especially, on busy
  • I end up paying more for parking because I don’t know of any better options
  • I’m in constant stress of getting a parking ticket

Colors and style




UI Development



Add vehicles


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